Title: New Auto Pathing FeatureDate: 2009-01-27
We have added a new feature to Perfect World that will come in handy during your long journeys across the world. Now you can use the Auto-Pathing system to take you directly there, giving you a chance to take a quick nap or grab a drink from the fridge. Upon reaching your destination, your character will stop moving and await your next command.
You can access the Auto-Pathing feature either by left-clicking anywhere on your minimap, or Alt-Left-clicking anywhere on your World Map. An orange star
(1) will appear at the location you clicked. Your character will immediately begin traveling to this destination by foot. Want to fly there instead? No problem. As long as you have something equipped in your Aerocraft slot, you will have access to the Auto-Pathing altitude options.
In the Auto-Pathing pop-up window, you can adjust the altitude that your character will be cruising at with the “Height Control” slider
(2), as well as the “Manually input height” field
(5). Enter the altitude you want (78 is the maximum), hit the Confirm button
(6) and your height setting
(3) will be changed.
If you want to have your character cancel flying mode upon reaching the destination, then select the appropriate checkbox
(4) and then hit the Confirm button.
You can hide the Auto-Pathing window by hitting the button in the bottom right
(7) and you cancel the auto-move altogether by closing the window with the button in the top right
That’s all there is to it! We hope you all enjoy this new system and many other new features that are coming soon to Perfect World International.